The first stage of the international youth essay contest in the epistolary genre, organized jointly by JSC “Kyrgyz Post” and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, has concluded. The contest featured essays from students across all urban, district, and rural schools in Kyrgyzstan. The winners were ceremoniously awarded honorary certificates and cash prizes at a ceremony dedicated to the Last Bell.
At the second stage, prizes (gifts) will be presented to the winners at a special event dedicated to World Post Day on October 9. The essay of the student who takes first place at the national level will be sent to the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union for participation in the global competition.
It should be noted that the international youth essay contest in the epistolary genre is held annually under the auspices of the Universal Postal Union to develop writing skills among youth, improve literacy, and promote the development of elegant thinking. This year, the contest involved students aged 9 to 15, who wrote essays on the topic: “Write a letter to future generations about the world you hope they will inherit.”